The world could always use a little more light—and it starts with you.
Read MoreIf you’re looking for a fun way to boost your physical and mental well-being, yoga might just be your new best friend.
Read MoreGame.Set.Match.
Looking for ways to improve your tennis game? Yoga might be the answer! Here are some key benefits.
Read MoreAre you ready to dive into the wonderful world of yoga? It’s not just about bending and stretching; it's a holistic approach to well-being encompassing the mind, body, and spirit.
Read MoreHere is a very short list various inspirations of the top books and podcasts that come to mind.
Read MoreIf you make the time to twist yoga into your schedule for even a few minutes you will feel more alive and centered in the morning, strong and creative during the day, and calm and relaxed in the evening.
Read MoreIn each yoga class, there always seems to be an element of practicing balance.
Read MoreLet’s be honest here: there are some yoga poses that we love and there are others that we avoid. With few exceptions, backbends tend to elicit a passionate response - it’s a love/hate relationship. People either pepper their practice with deeper and deeper ones or they skip them whenever possible.
Read MoreOur yoga practice invites us to inquire + inspire and also to trust in what we cannot see or know. We are asked us to trust in the future and to loosen our grip on the attachment we have to our immediate actions and their corresponding specific outcomes - both on and off the mat.
Read MoreA Yoga Teacher Training is more than just a yoga class or even a yoga retreat; it's a journey into the deeper aspects of our minds and hearts, a pathway of personal development, growth and living a better life.
Read MoreI’m not a resolution kinda person but in the spirit of change and shifting years from saying goodbye to 2021 and twirling into 2022, I certainly do appreciate the opportunity to take stock and evaluate things:
Read MoreNew year and another trip around the sun. So, here’s 22 for 2022 and to a year of manifesting miracles, magic and meaningful memories:
Read MoreCertain moments go down history and this was one I certainly didn’t expect. It wasn’t until President Biden’s inauguration ceremony, that I learned about the brilliant youth poet laureate, Amanda Gorman, who read her poem, The Hill We Climb, to the world watching.
Read More“When I feel overwhelmed or stressed or lose my center, I draw on one or all of these things:
Let the world speak to you.
Rest your mind on your breath.
Nature is dynamic and as humans, we are a part of nature and are also dynamic beings. With today being a new moon, I was reflecting on how the cycle of the moon affects me and in particular how the cycle of the moon is mirrored by the cycle of the breath.
Read MoreThere is so much to learn - about each other and ourselves - and like no other time our willingness to listen and to learn is most critical. We are all wrestling with the reckoning of inequalities and injustices and, I too, have been reflecting on my own insights and actions on the topic of racism.
Read MoreLife sure has a different rhythm these days, doesn’t it? While we are striving to maintain a balance of work and life, there is no question that if there ever was a time to stay as heathy as possible, this is it!
Read MoreThis little love note from the Goddess, Danielle Laporte, landed in my inbox some time ago and continues to inspire me when I forget about the light.
Read MoreProgress is made by those who have the courage to be wrong and the persistence to find how to get it right. Great achievements are crafted into existence by those who, when they begin, are not sure exactly how they’ll do it.
Read MoreWhen we can learn to breathe through a long hold in a Warrior 2, or we pause at the bottom of the exhale and hold Chaturanga, we’re training our nervous system and our mind to breathe through an intense physical sensation. The practice of this, this training if you will, pays off when we're faced with obstacles off the mat.
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